Specialists in Real Estate Deal Analysis
The Art of the Deal
We’re Experts in Finding & Making Deals That Work
At Equinox Real Estate, we're a group of experienced Real Estate investors, who have amassed great skills and expertise in analysing and creating profitable deals.
Equinox Real Estate was set up to pass on our knowledge and technical skill set in this field, empowering new and existing investors with the tools to create, expand and maximise their portfolio's potential.
We Have Created a Range of Financial Tools to Enhance & Grow Your Real Estate Portfolio
What We Offer
Resi Single / Multi Family Calculator
Analyse a deal in seconds, with key metrics output to make well informed, profitable decisions
BRRR Calculator
Analyse a BRRR deal in seconds, find out "Money left in the Deal", Net Yield, Profit Margin, ROCI and viability of the deal
Development Appraisal Models
For the more sophisticated investor or developer, achieve a full feasibility report with our industry standard institutional model which incorporates assumptions, inputs, cashflow, financing and projections
A tailored approach, using in-depth anlysis to suit each client's need.
Our relentless pursuit of excellence sets us apart, making us the preferred choice for astute investors seeking strategic and lucrative opportunities.
We are experts in the field of finding lucrative off-market deals.
We are Equinox Real Estate - Specialists in Analyzing Investments